Dental problems during working hours
If you have dental emergency during surgery hours call the practice and one of our team will help to assess if you need to see the dentist or can be given advice from a dental professional over the phone.
Each day we have a limited number of emergency appointments to offer our registered patients.

Managing dental problems at home
If you can’t get to a dentist , these measures will help you to understand where to access care if you’re in pain, and support you in managing minor symptoms at home. We generally classify dental emergencies into 3 categories:
Treat at home, or call the dental practice for further advice
- Broken, rubbing or loose dentures
- Loose or lost crowns, bridges or veneers.
Chipped teeth with no pain
Bleeding gums.
Broken, loose or lost fillings – you can buy a temporary filling kit from a pharmacy that you can use at home until you can get to see the dentist.
Loose orthodontic wires.
Facial swelling extending to eye or neck.
Bleeding following an extraction that does not stop after 20 mins solid pressure with gauze/clean hankie. A small amount of oozing is normal, just like if you had a grazed knee.
Bleeding due to trauma.
Trauma resulting in a tooth being knocked out of the socket, or a large fracture resulting from trauma and causing severe pain.
Significant toothache preventing sleep or eating, associated with significant swelling, or fever that cannot be managed with painkillers.
Call 999
Facial swelling affecting vision or breathing preventing mouth opening more than 2 fingers width.
Trauma causing loss of consciousness, double vision or vomiting.